There is a short-circuit process that allows both 1) proposals to be passed without broader vote if urgency requires, eg. during active exploitation of a vulnerability in the protocol, and 2) proposals to be vetoed if they are not consistent with the philosophies outlined in this paper.
This short-circuit capability will be controlled by a community multisig with an initial set of signers. Additional signers can be voted into place via the open community governance process.
The community, at any time, can vote to remove the ability to short-circuit governance if they choose, and the controllers of the short-circuit multisig have committed to not veto said proposal when the time comes to relinquish control.
The project team added this functionality to the governance process with the intention for it to be removed— it is up to the community to decide when it makes sense to take off the training wheels or whether it makes sense to have this functionality at all.
Last updated